Don’t Fear the Blanks

<p>I was staring at my computer screen the other day trying to come up with a topic for my next Medium article. I was drawing a blank. I had pondered it on a long Sunday walk as well as the day after. Usually I come up with ideas readily while exercising. But this day nothing. It took walking away and doing some household chores to free my mind and let the idea arise.</p> <p>This is a common writer problem and reminds me of my dad and his speech issues. He had a number of strokes and one of them cause aphasia &mdash; the inability to find the right words to say. He had the head knowledge but couldn&rsquo;t get the words out. He was stubborn so instead of pausing he would try to force the issue, which made it worse. We would tell him to wait and it would come, but he resisted.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Fear Blanks