New Free FDA Device AI plus … Pokémon?

<p><strong>I&rsquo;ve been hard at work&nbsp;</strong>over here building AI for assistive technology &mdash; with breaks here and there to write and build&nbsp;<em>other</em>&nbsp;things &mdash; and I&rsquo;ve realized I&rsquo;m falling behind sharing the work! There&rsquo;s a lot more than I have room for here, so I&rsquo;ll keep it brief.</p> <p><strong>The FDA AI is very exciting</strong>, which I&rsquo;ll share below &mdash; as is the&nbsp;<strong>con\text language model</strong>, which I&nbsp;<em>won&rsquo;t</em>&nbsp;be sharing today but can demo live for the curious. I don&rsquo;t want to just share videos, so here are some bots you can use on your phone or computer, forever, for free.</p> <p><strong>No really, free.</strong>&nbsp;Forever. Just stop paying for ChatGPT (if you are). If anyone just cringed, I have a lot I want to say about the risks of AI and how I&rsquo;m dealing with them, but &hellip; I&rsquo;ll spare you.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: FDA Device