My Favorite Xbox One Launch Game

<p><em>All screens in this piece are from the first hour to avoid spoilers. The text below is also free of significant story details. I&rsquo;m planning to write a clearly spoiler-tagged follow-up about this game soon.</em></p> <p>We&rsquo;re almost ten years on now from Microsoft&rsquo;s most high-profile failure in the gaming space: The Xbox One. Launched with a big focus on TV programming, an expensive Kinect sensor in every box, and a weaker GPU than the competing PS4, the Xbox One struggled out of the gate and never fully recovered.</p> <p>It was almost even worse, with announced and messy plans for universally-hated always-online DRM that would have tied every single physical and digital purchase to one specific account. Microsoft had to backpedal those plans, and they also eventually relented on putting a Kinect in every box. Then they tried to course correct even further under the eyes of Phil Spencer with the Xbox One X, an over-compensating power monster that bumped up the price and still didn&rsquo;t win them the market&rsquo;s favor.</p> <p>Microsoft is still reeling from these blunders to this day. In 201, both console makers were also dealing with indifferent publishers, who were somehow convinced that the game-buying public no longer wanted game consoles. It took huge PS4 sales numbers to win everyone over again &mdash; and it&rsquo;s sort of shocking that this even happened when you look back at the launch games.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Xbox One