I is for Istanbul — My A-Z of Favorite Travel Destinations

<p>Growing up in a&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/globetrotters/where-i-come-from-banff-canmore-canada-c8042c2afd8e" rel="noopener">small town of 2500&nbsp;</a>people in Canada means that I&rsquo;m not a city person. I do love the glitz and glamour of them, but as far as staying long-term, it&rsquo;s a hearty &lsquo;no thanks&rsquo; from me. That was, at least, until Istanbul came into my life. It was here that my partner and I spent 2.5 months at the tail end of 2020 as we attempted to ride out the pandemic amongst a diverse group of other travelers that occupied our hostel.</p> <p>But this wasn&rsquo;t our first foray into Istanbul. In 2015 when we were flying from Varna, Bulgaria to Athens, Greece we had a few hours of layover at the airport. I had never seen an airport so packed with people, and I shuddered to think what the rest of the city looked like based on what we witnessed that day.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/globetrotters/i-is-for-istanbul-my-a-z-of-favorite-travel-destinations-5bb772d513ab"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>