Day 1: One of My new Favorite Foods that were brought upon me was Svickova

<p>We walked into the restaurant and we were immediately seated down. The Waiter in poor English asked us what we wanted. My parents decided to order a random dish but Svickova caught my eye so I ordered it. My parents had no idea what it was so we decided to look it up. We saw the picture and it looked displeasing. In my mind I was questioning why I would even order this because it looked repulsive. My parents&rsquo; food arrived looking good and ready to eat and mine was still in the kitchen. Dreading the arrival I hope maybe that the food would taste good but from the way it looked I doubt that will happen. I felt the tension rise when the poor english talked into my ear saying &ldquo;Svickova&rdquo;? and I slowly raised my hand. The plate was served in front me and I was greeted with a warm plate with a surprisingly good smell. &ldquo;Enjoy,&rdquo; the waiter said. I took a bite and my mouth was filled with delight. The flavor and the exuberance of taste made my mouth filled with joy. The roasted beef and sauce made Svickova one of my favorite dishes of all time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: favorite Foods