The Ramapo Fault Line

<p>For New York City residents the thought of an earthquake happening in the city is so remote, it is hardly mentioned. But what if I told you that the chances are not that remote at all, what would you think?</p> <p>Most New Yorkers are completely unaware of a fault line that runs through the Hudson River. What is a fault line? A fault line is a crack in the Lithosphere caused by stress along the tectonic plates as they move alongside one another. Often the tectonic plates move in opposite directions causing friction and the movement often felt during an earthquake. However, tectonic plates can also move on top of one another which is often responsible for creating mountainous terrain. By the way, there are six smaller intraplate lines in Manhattan alone. Those are smaller, less active fault lines that are less likely to result in a major quake.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: fault Line