Greek Left at a crossroad between the fateful decisions of 2015 and a New Vision

<p>It was 2015. In one of his last pre-election speeches, Alexis Tsipras, former star of the Greek and European left and President of the anti-austerity coalition Syriza, quoted the local anti-fascist rebel Manolis Glezos in the capital of Crete, the largest island of Greece, Iraklio:</p> <p><em>&ldquo;Do you hear that sound? History is knocking at our door.&rdquo;</em></p> <p>Tsipras then called on the electorate to respond:</p> <p><em>&ldquo;Open the door so that we can live as we dreamed, what we fought for for five years; for justice and a decent life. I call on you to fight to the end. On Sunday, we will write history!&rdquo; announced Tsipras.</em><br /> <br /> What all the opinion polls predicted has happened: 36% of voters trusted Greek Syriza and turnout was over 60%! After almost four decades of corruption, scandals and nepotism, the socialists Pasok and the conservative right-wing New Democracy moved into opposition.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>