Fast-forwarding through life

<p><em>Continuing my series on our time working in an orphanage in Bangkok&hellip;As empty nesters, my husband, Michael, and I volunteered at the Mercy Center with Father Joe, an American priest, for many years.</em></p> <p><a href="" rel="noopener"><strong>As I go, I am wearing you</strong></a></p> <p>Our days fly by here. And every day brings miracles and sorrows; a mix-up of emotions that make the days dissolve one into the other in rapid succession, like fast-forwarding a movie on your screen. Imagine raising 200 children, and being responsible for their upbringing, education, food, clothing, health matters, and emotional issues. That is what Father Joe and his staff do on a daily basis. Oh, then there are the thousands of other kids they are educating, feeding, and clothing in the outreach preschool program in the slums.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>