How Postcards are still being used in 2023

<p>Postcards were always that&hellip; that&nbsp;<em>thing</em>&nbsp;I could never understand. Every gift shop had them, every trip I ever took always had postcards pop up somewhere available for sale.</p> <p>But weren&rsquo;t postcards that old fashioned method of communicating, which we no longer need to use since we have social media and the ability to text our friends and family images we took, along with any caption, instantly? So why is there an existing market of people who would actually go ahead and buy a postcard from a gift shop, or somewhere else?</p> <p>Why do they still exist? I never really took the time to think about it, until I stumbled upon the subreddit known as /r/Postcrossing. Now, Postcrossing is in fact a website &mdash; More on that in a moment.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>