Fashion Week Diaries — A/W ‘24
<p>Fashion Weeks seem to come sooner and sooner — a staid complaint — but given the fact that we still see items not just from the <em>past season</em> but from several <em>years</em> <em>past</em> still circulating in retail, the state of things borders on the absurd.</p>
<p>A sentiment I punctuate with an exclamation point when I see mainstream fashion media push second-hand and vintage as some sort of saving grace. We are in a deluge, and such is the state of fashion in this post-covid, post-unipolar, cost-of-living-crisis-driven-world-economy.</p>
<p>But since the fashion weeks are here, review we must, so the cycle can continue, and give us some semblance of familiarity. Or else, the Western World might lose its shit altogether at the rapidly changing power structures, the irrelevancy of univocal narratives being replaced by multipolarity, both geopolitically and within fashion.</p>
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