Fashion Combos — Part Two

<p>Spring is here and it&rsquo;s another rainy day. We&rsquo;ve had several during March. My backyard garden should be thoroughly saturated for Spring planting. I thought April showers were supposed to bring May flowers. At this rate, the entire month of April should be as dry as a rock in the Saharan desert.</p> <p>Despite the rain, Spring demands reinvention, and fashion color combinations are trending. When are color combos not trending? Spring is about renewal and rebirth. What better way to represent both ideas than with some color mixing?</p> <p>Below is a report from INSTYLE MAGAZINE&rsquo;S website. The author gives some great ideas for color combinations. Read on and see what combos work for you.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: fashion Combos