The Fascinating Story of Yap Island’s Rai Stones: How Stone Coins Shaped a Society

<p>In the heart of the Pacific Ocean lies the Federated States of Micronesia, a nation made up of thousands of small islands. Among these islands is Yap, a speck in the vast ocean that is home to one of the most unique forms of currency in the world:&nbsp;<strong>the Rai Stones</strong>. These massive, circular discs made of limestone have been used as a form of money on Yap Island for centuries, and their story is nothing short of fascinating. From their origins as a currency used for trade and social status to their enduring significance in&nbsp;<strong>Yapese culture</strong>&nbsp;today, the Rai Stones have truly shaped the society of this small island in the Pacific.</p> <p><em>Join me on a journey through the history of Yap Island&rsquo;s currency, as we explore the origins and evolution of these remarkable stone coins, and discover the impact they have had on the culture and economy of this remarkable corner of the world.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>