Exploring the Amazing World of Atoms: A Fascinating Journey

<p>- Atoms stick together to make everything! They connect like puzzle pieces.<br /> -&nbsp;<strong><em>When atoms join together, they form molecules</em></strong>. Just like Lego blocks clicking together!<br /> - Different atoms make different things.</p> <p><strong>For example</strong>, hydrogen and oxygen atoms combine to make water!</p> <p><strong>Types of Atoms:</strong><br /> -&nbsp;<em>There are many kinds of atoms, called elements.</em><br /> - Each element has its own special type of atom. Hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon, and more are elements.<br /> - They each have a unique number of protons, which makes them different.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@rabiayousuf429/exploring-the-amazing-world-of-atoms-a-fascinating-journey-8277270c500a"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>