Farewell, Ramda

<h1>Brave new Ramda</h1> <p>Ramda is a fantastic JavaScript library that embraces functional programming principles and equips you with a robust set of utility functions. It&rsquo;s all about empowering you to work with immutable data, compose functions, and bring a declarative flair to your code. With Ramda, you can enjoy automatic currying, seamless function composition, and effortless manipulation of immutable data. Plus, it encourages you to embrace the elegance of point-free style, where functions are defined without explicitly mentioning their arguments. Ramda truly shines through in making functional programming more approachable, expressive, and downright enjoyable in your JavaScript projects.</p> <p>read more&nbsp; -&nbsp;https://medium.com/better-programming/farewell-ramda-8f4d85bf64e0</p>
Tags: Farewell