4 Days in Hong Kong

<p>I was ecstatic just breathing Hong Kong air. I felt like everybody (especially the Filipinos) has already been to this famous country except for me.</p> <p>With that said, there are a lot of things that I am excited to do so it was a tear in my heart that I only get to stay here for 4 full days. Then again, a choice has to made for someone who doesn&rsquo;t have all the time and money in the world.</p> <p>So my next destination is Taiwan. But guess what? For the whole 2 weeks in April, the flights are ridiculously expensive e.g $350+ one way??! I have arrived in Hong Kong on 30 Mar. The&nbsp;<strong>only time</strong>&nbsp;that it costs about $200 falls on 04 Apr or 10 Apr. A 6-day trip or a 12-day trip. I&rsquo;d really love atleast 8 days but welp, life.</p> <p><a href="https://auntiekim07.medium.com/4-days-in-hong-kong-917d4d267ad5"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hong Kong