Fake webcam for your online meetings, with Python

<p>Picture this. You&rsquo;re in an online meeting, and for one reason or another you don&rsquo;t really feel like putting your webcam on. But you see that everybody else has it on. So you feel obligated, you quickly arrange your hair and make sure your clothes look appropriate, and you switch the camera on, reluctantly. We&rsquo;ve all been there.</p> <p>I have good news. With the help of Python, the tyranny of the mandatory webcam can be ended. I&rsquo;m going to show you how you can create a fake webcam for your online meetings, that looks like this:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/codex/fake-webcam-for-your-online-meetings-with-python-755556d7667b"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>