What is Ecotheology?

<p>This is the result of the demand of many faithful believers complaining about religious institutions not responding to the present environmental danger and lack of action concerning the destruction of the environment, the creation. Therefore, scholars and clergy set off on a mission to re-study Holy Texts and philosophical ones in order to find ecological content, and that they found indeed, countless references where God demands humans to protect and safeguard the Creation, and how not humanity but God is the owner of the biosphere. How could these passages and concepts go unseen for millenia? Simply were they not seen, or were not understood as ahead of their time? One thing is clear: the New and Old Testament state clearly that humans have a duty towards the Earth. Another commendable attempt of Ecotheologians is that of bridging the gap between science and faith, foreseeing a mutually compensating approach and reciprocal support in dealing with today&rsquo;s challenges.</p> <p><a href="https://rescogita.medium.com/what-is-ecotheology-91ed1c515bae"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>