Foundations of French Fairy Tales

<p>Long before the phrase &ldquo;fairy tale&rdquo; was created, people passed down folk tales by word of mouth. These beloved stories changed incrementally over time and distance, with similar versions passed down through generations in different regions of the world. These stories were meant not just to entertain, but to pass along morals and cultural customs. Folk tales showed that life is not inherently good, but happy endings are possible through hard work, determination, and, perhaps, a bit of luck.</p> <p>We cannot be sure when the first folk tale was created, nor how long these stories passed from generation to generation. It wasn&rsquo;t until the 17th Century that folk tales started to be published in Europe, having first been embellished or modernized by their authors.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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