Factoryroad: A Shop of Industrious Creatives

<p>Possibly ahead of its time, it was named for the street we live and work on &mdash; known, as the name suggests, for its rows of factories, humming away all day and sometimes into the night with a half day on Friday. Channelling the industrious, round-the-clock nature of working, the building we still live and work in &mdash; Factoryroad&rsquo;s base &mdash; was built by one of the factory owners for himself, with the foreman&rsquo;s house built next door, and we still look out from our studio every day at the Victorian factory behind us (now flats, of course).</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*vZofLtDoNu37oLN4oxNI5Q.png" style="height:533px; width:700px" /></p> <p><strong>I&rsquo;m thinking about the Factoryroad Shop today</strong>&nbsp;not only because I&rsquo;ve just noticed it&rsquo;s ten years since its launch, but because had its roots in the collaborative, spontaneous, risk-taking way of working that we&rsquo;ve always fostered, and which we&rsquo;ve struggled to get back to after a hammering by the isolation and hesitancy of the pandemic. It&rsquo;s coming back, but our shop represented an energetic pulling-together of friends and colleagues who all made and designed lovely things, and whose work we wanted to sell alongside our own in one place &mdash; the site itself was commissioned from an ex-student and creative colleague, Nathan at&nbsp;<a href="https://wearesmile.com/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Smile</a>, then a new company.</p> <p><a href="https://inkymole.medium.com/factoryroad-a-shop-of-industrious-creatives-f0a5c377a040"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>