I’m Being Followed by a Noon Shadow: a T-Girl’s Battle against Facial Hair

<p>It was all seeing, like a minor God. I could feel the warmth of its gaze on my skin. With a clenched gut, I waited for the pain to start, my hands joined tightly across my stomach. Come hell or high water, no matter how uncomfortable it gets, I&rsquo;m staying on this here exam table. No pain no gain, as they say.</p> <p>My first session of facial electrolysis went well. It hurt like a motherfucker though. I felt every hair being nuked in its follicle; a tweezing sensation that seared as the hairs were unceremoniously plucked from their homes. I could only wince and occasionally whimper. The lady who was performing the procedure wittered away benignly as she waged her war against nature. I appreciated her warmth and almost motherly devotion to the job in hand. The hair on the left side of my face was more stubborn to remove than that on the right. They railed against their eviction, clinging to their sacs, refusing to budge before being yanked out. Then the white sting of pain like a yell of outrage.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/prismnpen/im-being-followed-by-a-noon-shadow-a-t-girl-s-battle-against-facial-hair-174b30bb264c"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: facial Hair