All eyes on Apple — 1 BIG lesson learned!

<p>We all knew what was coming and there didn&rsquo;t seem to be that much to get excited about, but I&nbsp;<em>wanted</em>&nbsp;to be excited. I&rsquo;ve been an Apple fan for years and years and years. I&rsquo;ve owned more Macs &amp; iPhones than I&rsquo;d care to remember. I&rsquo;ve invested in the Apple ecosystem, into the Apple world, and I want them to do what they do best.</p> <p>I want them to be creative. I want them to deliver the products that I&nbsp;<em>know</em>&nbsp;they&rsquo;re capable of &mdash; and also with that level of excitement that we know they&rsquo;re capable of. But just recently, it all seems to have fallen a little bit flat.</p> <p>Apple is the master of PR &mdash; their campaigns are amazing and the adverts are stunning. As for the events now, they&rsquo;re just gorgeous. The production, the lighting, the transitions &mdash; they&rsquo;re like a mini-movie &mdash; they could almost be a series on Apple TV themselves.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Apple Eyes