10 Reasons Why Berlin Europe’s Silicon Valley from Worm’s eye view

<p>Ever heard of &ldquo;career-laundering&rdquo;? Probably not, because it&rsquo;s a term my friend, a Big Tech veteran, coined. It&rsquo;s this way of making your CV/Resume shine by being a big fish in a small pond, often without building real expertise.</p> <p>They hop from one small startup to another, claiming titles like &ldquo;head of,&rdquo; &ldquo;Director,&rdquo; and even &ldquo;CEO,&rdquo; until the startup bubble bursts. Some may land positions in Big Tech briefly, but the facade can only last so long &mdash; max 1 year &mdash; because they&rsquo;ve faked their way through. Berlin seems to have its fair share of &ldquo;career launderers&rdquo;, dishing out directives that leave you wondering, &ldquo;Does this even make sense?&rdquo; It&rsquo;s a curious phenomenon, and my friend&rsquo;s term captures it perfectly!</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@Boss_Avocado/10-reasons-why-berlin-europes-silicon-valley-from-worm-s-eye-view-f27d0958d8ad"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Eye View