Black Holes & The Eye of Horus

<p>This piece is really about a possible link between Cosmology &amp; Egyptian iconography&hellip; and also about how cultural information spreads through time. But to add some objective value to an idea that might be both, completely wrong and useless, I will try to touch on the concepts of Propositional &amp; Perspectival Knowledge and their relevance in the context of trying to extract as much precise information as possible from ancient imagery and past civilizations in general.</p> <p>Maybe I could start by building the set of supporting notions around the idea that is trying to be conveyed in this text, getting you to initially agree with a number of logical arguments and true facts, to then propose something that might seem ridiculous&hellip; that would surely help my case; but I rather start from the impossible and work our way back.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Eye Horus