Expressed through Words, Affirmed by Actions: do our preferred love languages evolve?

<p>I am sat on the central line right now thinking about the warm words from my mother this morning &ndash; my sweet sweet Oluyinka! I sent her a picture of how I looked to work today and she responded &ldquo;Looking cool and beautiful as ever!, My sweet daughter who has brought me so much joy!&rdquo;. This message made me grin so much and was probably the highlight of my very packed. and eventful day.</p> <p>My heart has recently taken a liking to expressions of affection through words and affirmations through words. I find it quite amusing as I was very confident this could never move me about a year ago. I had always been the biggest advocate for two of the five love languages for the longest time &ndash; Acts of Service being first and Quality time being second.</p> <p>I think the more I grow and continue to evolve emotionally, my love languages seem to be evolving as well. As a 20 year old, connection to me meant regular hugs and body contact in one way or the other &ndash; Physical Touch. At 24, I craved a sense of connection through actions &ndash; Acts of Service. Quality time was a tough contender but as an adult juggling life and a demanding career, I think quality time comes in different forms these days.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>