Exploring Istanbul: Weaving East and West

<p>Welcome to Istanbul, a city that connects two continents, offering a fascinating mix of history, culture and vibrant energy. From its iconic milestones to its bustling cravings and delicious food, Istanbul is a treasure trove of gestures waiting to be discovered. I lived in Istanbul, which is my favorite city in the world, for approximately 8 years. Based on this experience, let&rsquo;s explore the attractive streets of this magical mega city together.</p> <h1>1. Splendor of Hagia Sophia:</h1> <p>Our first stop is the legendary Hagia Sophia, an architectural wonder that has witnessed centuries. Explore its rich past, its transformation from a church to a mosque to a historical museum. This building, where you will admire its breathtaking dome, intricate mosaics and impressive Byzantine architecture, is one of the places you must visit when you go to Istanbul.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@mervekrman/exploring-istanbul-weaving-east-and-west-9ae694ef00fb"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>