Exploit ChatGPT By Distinguishing Problem and Solution

<p>Once upon a time, people were used to mix problems and solutions. It was common to present problems with the words of the solution and propose solutions with the words of the problem.</p> <p>That mix is psychologically understandable: the desire to solve problems leads people to anticipate the solution when formulating the problem and focus on the solution as the relief from pain &ndash; problems often imply some pain.</p> <p>It was an inefficient approach that negatively impacted all industries. Problems are the source of business value, while solutions are costs, which are acceptable as long as the problems they solve are valuable to solve.</p> <p><a href="https://lucavettor.medium.com/exploit-chatgpt-by-distinguishing-problem-and-solution-4e80338402bd"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>