My First and Most Beautiful Adventure: A First Time Traveller’s Experience In Barcelona

<p>The effort it takes to move my body is immense. It&rsquo;s still dark outside and will continue to be for a long time yet. The body next to me stirs, the groan it makes reminding me why we&rsquo;re perhaps the only two people now awake at this hour. Because while my desire to be fast asleep, like most normal people are at half three in the morning, is strong, I am awake because today marks the first time I will leave the country and go on holiday.</p> <p>The idea came but a month ago when I received a message from my long-time best friend, whom I have only lived nine days on this planet without, saying: &ldquo;Do you want to do something rouge?&rdquo; Cheap flights were promptly booked, mini toiletries were excitedly brought and all thoughts of work became more bearable with the promise of an upcoming escape. Much to my surprise, considering my often anxious predisposition that sees my heart beat at pace, my mind begin to swim and my nights become restless, the four-day trip I had signed up for gave me no qualms.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>