Why some paintings are so expensive?

<p>Before we get into the actual information, can you guess the price of the following work of art?</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:690/1*zQpNWLu8lSGVPK0xNA4acQ.jpeg" style="height:491px; width:690px" /></p> <p>Artwork by Barnett Newman</p> <p>Most of you might not even consider buying it. But, in fact, this artwork is worth&nbsp;<strong>$84.2 million.&nbsp;</strong>Shocking, isn&rsquo;t it? You must be thinking what makes it so valuable, and why some paintings are so expensive.</p> <p>Factors such as the size and genre, condition, and where it has been exhibited make a piece of art expensive. Compared to stocks or commodities, it is hard to measure how much an artwork is worth. In other words, the value of a painting lies in the eyes of the beholder. One piece of art could be worth a lot to one person and nothing to someone else. Just what we noticed in the drawing above.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@randhawaasukh07/why-some-paintings-are-so-expensive-6e0c9049525c"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>