ADHD — Expelling Kids From School

<p>His drawers are filled with shirts that have holes he made in them with the dozens of pencils he&rsquo;s chewed up afterward. Our couch is filled with wrappers, apple cores, and other items he&rsquo;s hidden or pack-ratted away. He says and does things none of his older brothers would ever do. He&rsquo;s got the same parents and he&rsquo;s been parented the same way as the others. But he&rsquo;s just different.</p> <p>We get emails and phone calls from the school daily about his behavior. The principal has basically decided they can do no more to help. When we look at him, his eyes are baggy with dark circles and he&rsquo;s skinny. I sometimes think he could be on the verge of malnutrition. The drugs he takes to curb his symptoms seem to be taking their toll on him. It&rsquo;s been two years. Here we are again. Lost. Scared. Heartbroken. Starting over.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Expelling Kids