The Gap in Male/Female Life Expectancy Keeps Growing

<p>The life expectancy gap between sexes increased&nbsp;<em>0.23 years&nbsp;</em>from 2010 to 2019 and&nbsp;<em>0.70 years</em>&nbsp;from 2019 to 2021. So, a much larger jump has been seen in the last few years compared to the decade prior. From 2010&ndash;2019, the biggest contributor to the gap was from unintentional injuries.</p> <p>From 2019&ndash;2021, COVID-19 took over as the main contributor to the gap. Unintentional injuries came in a close second, and the authors postulate that this is likely mostly from drug overdose deaths.</p> <p>So, the data is essentially saying COVID had a disproportionately higher toll on men than women. The likelihood of this has to do with the overall reasons why men die at younger ages compared to women. COVID accelerated that decline, it seems.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: expectancy Gap