The 1 Question One-on-One: Excitement Edition

<p>The time you have with your team is sacred, and especially the time that you have individually with them. It means a lot to them to have dedicated time with you, and it means even more when they see that you are coming ready to engage directly with them.</p> <p>The good news is you don&rsquo;t need to have a list, bullet points, or a complex strategy to have a&nbsp;<em>highly&nbsp;</em>effective 1:1. In these guides, we will discuss a series of single questions you can use to kick off, and entirely fill, a thirty minute 1:1.</p> <p>In a good 1:1, they should be talking a lot more than you are!</p> <h2><a href="" rel="noopener">First, let&rsquo;s get ready!</a></h2> <p>Remember, your primary objective is&nbsp;<em>always</em>&nbsp;to increase trust. If you ever feel the conversation may start moving away from that, pause, consider, and change directions. You can even choose to set the topic aside and discuss something else.</p> <p>Your second objective should be to drive self-discovery. It isn&rsquo;t about what you find out, it is about you help them discover about themselves.</p> <p>Schedule your 1:1 for an extra 15 minutes and make notes immediately after. This will allow you to stay present while you are conversing. After documenting the notes, send it to them. Give them a chance to confirm what you captured, and after they have reviewed it, document it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>