Exceptions in coroutines
<p>We, developers, usually spend a lot of time polishing the happy path of our app. However, it’s equally important to provide a proper user experience whenever things don’t go as expected. On one hand, seeing an application crash is a bad experience for the user; on the other hand, showing the right message to the user when an action didn’t succeed is indispensable.</p>
<p>Handling exceptions properly has a huge impact on how users perceive your application. In this article, we’ll explain how exceptions are propagated in coroutines and how you can always be in control, including the different ways to handle them.</p>
<p>If you prefer video, check out this talk from KotlinConf’19 by </p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/exceptions-in-coroutines-ce8da1ec060c">Click Here</a></p>