The problem of over-supervision of ex-felons

<p>In recent years many people have increasingly become concerned about problems with our systems of law enforcement and criminal justice. Of racial disparities, of excessive force, of over-incarceration, of sending hyped-up, hostile police where social workers would have been better. But less attention has been paid to what happens after people are released from prison.</p> <p>This type of supervision is most typically referred to as &ldquo;parole&rdquo;. (At the federal level it has a different name; but in that case this period of supervision is planned as part of the sentence, typically comprising 15% of the total time.) We all know what parole is: it&rsquo;s when an inmate with good behavior is released from prison early in order to provisionally serve the remainder of their sentence under supervision in the community, rather than in prison. If they break the rules, they may be sent back to prison for the remainder of their sentence.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ex felons