Evolving Evolution, with Michael Wong

<p>One of the slow-burning realizations we keep stumbling face-first into is that our beloved tendency to compartmentalize the world may be effective on some fronts, but it obscures us from seeing the bigger pictures at play.</p> <p>To see these bigger pictures &mdash; we&rsquo;re starting to realize &mdash; requires an approach that&rsquo;s not fragmented into individualized disciplines of study.</p> <p>Cosmologists become engrained in their own perceptions of reality; as do physicists in their own dimensions and as do mathematicians in their own equations. Philosophers follow about like vultures that nip at the decaying flesh of this approach, forcing progression in a system of inquiry that&rsquo;s overly-prone to rigidity and convenience, often resistant to change.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/borealism/evolving-evolution-with-michael-wong-62bd40e1d6ed"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>