Trans rights and evidence

<p>On any fine day you will find gender critical feminists baldly stating that trans women are men and that therefore they are a threat to cis women and girls. They throw out tabloid headlines, slam transphobic memes in the threads, and invariably throw up a bunch of dodgy stats that would make a neoliberal economist blush. Indeed, they expect you to do all the fact checking, as if their dodgy dossiers and hate threads should exhaust you into submission. The irony is that the moment you show them the evidence, or call them out on their dodgy links they rinse and repeat, throwing a Reduxx link or two in for good measure. Evidence is not gender critical believers&rsquo; strong suit, indeed, I would argue that evidence is the last thing they want, as all they seem to do is wallow in their gender critical victim industrial complex.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Evidence Trans