These 3 Luxury Lipsticks Give Major Heart Evangelista Vibes

<p>Ifthere&rsquo;s one thing we can count on whenever we chance upon a photo of Heart Evangelista, it&rsquo;s this: she will&nbsp;<em>always</em>&nbsp;exude a sense of timeless class no matter where she is or what she&rsquo;s wearing. Clothes, hairstyles, makeup &mdash; all of it looks luxurious if it&rsquo;s on her. That&rsquo;s why, in the spirit of ZALORA&rsquo;s upcoming&nbsp;<strong>Luxury Fest from February 2 to 7, 2022 (up to 35% off, people!)</strong>, we call upon our magnanimous muse of all things luxury once again to give us a little bit of inspiration on how to channel her innate sophistication into our lives &mdash; this time with makeup.</p> <p>Going big on luxury beauty isn&rsquo;t everybody&rsquo;s cup of tea. However, you&rsquo;re going to have just&nbsp;<em>one</em>&nbsp;thing designer in your makeup kit, make it a luxury lipstick. Trust us: there&rsquo;s nothing more powerful than pulling up to a mirror on a night out, reaching into your purse, and retouching your look with a lipstick packaged in a luxuriously lacquered metal casing that just&nbsp;<em>feels&nbsp;</em>like extravagance weighing in your hands.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>