A famous Evangelical book was white supremacist

<h1>The book was a prosecution for fraud.</h1> <p>On point after point, Canfield&rsquo;s biography of a Christian hero read like a legal indictment. Scofield had been accused of bribery and theft when holding public positions. He&rsquo;d lied about being in the Confederate Army. There was suggestion he&rsquo;d been in jail, and a heavy drinker.</p> <p>He&rsquo;d been divorced, and cruelly ignored two daughters on the grounds that their mother was Catholic. He refused child support even after he&rsquo;d become wealthy from his Bible. He left his daughters out of his will.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/belover/a-famous-evangelical-book-was-white-supremacist-5eed08c09704"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>