EVAA. Testnet guide

<p><a href="https://t.me/evaaprotocol/21" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>The original test net post</strong></a></p> <ol> <li><strong>Download Tonkeeper</strong>&nbsp;and switch to the&nbsp;<strong><em>testnet wallet</em></strong>&nbsp;by going to the settings. Rapidly press the logo approximately 5 times, then select the testnet button.</li> <li><strong>Connect your wallet</strong>&nbsp;to the&nbsp;<a href="https://app.evaa.finance/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>EVAA APP</strong></a><strong>&nbsp;</strong>or&nbsp;<a href="https://t.me/EvaaAppBot" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>TWA</strong></a>&nbsp;on Telegram.</li> <li><strong>Get testnet TON and jettons</strong>:<br /> a) Open&nbsp;<a href="https://t.me/testgiver_ton_bot" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">https://t.me/testgiver_ton_bot</a>&nbsp;to get&nbsp;<strong>testnet TON</strong>.<br /> b) To get testnet jettons, click on&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Get testnet tokens&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;in the app.</li> <li><strong>Supply your testnet jettons and TON</strong>. Do not supply the maximum amount of TON, as you need to reserve approximately 0.2 for commission. After you&rsquo;ve supplied your tokens, wait about a minute for your supply to update. You&rsquo;ll start earning APY on your assets as soon as they&rsquo;re in the protocol. Your supplied tokens can be used as collateral for borrowing.</li> <li><strong>Borrow some tokens</strong>. Now that you&rsquo;ve supplied your tokens, you can borrow an amount that&rsquo;s typically about 80% of your collateral. You&rsquo;ll pay a borrow APY on each loan, which means you&rsquo;ll accrue interest on the amount you borrow. Be aware that the TON pool is limited, so don&rsquo;t try to borrow the entire pool on the testnet.</li> <li><strong>Repay</strong>&nbsp;your loan by pressing the &ldquo;repay&rdquo; button and choosing the amount to repay.</li> <li><strong>Withdraw</strong>&nbsp;your assets from the protocol by pressing the &ldquo;withdraw&rdquo; button. Remember, you can&rsquo;t withdraw everything if you&rsquo;ve borrowed other assets.</li> </ol> <p>&nbsp;<strong>Congratulations</strong>! You&rsquo;ve completed all the basic steps and can now easily use the protocol!</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@evaaprotocol/evaa-testnet-guide-478cb8cfb8cc"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Testnet EVAA