What did the Etruscans look like?

<p>What was the typical appearance of the Etruscans? Scientists have long been trying to answer this question. It is assumed that ethnically, they are most closely related to Armenians, Indians, and Roma. The CIBA Foundation, created in 1947, gathered a colloquium in London in 1958 on medical biology and the origins of the Etruscans. At it, anthropologists from different countries presented the results of a century-long study of remains found in Etruscan burials. Italian scientist Giuseppe Sergi examined 44 skulls found in tombs of seven Etrurian cities and identified among them 34 dolichocephalic (this term means elongated skull) and mesocephalic (medium-shaped skull) and 10 brachycephalic (round-headed): long and medium skulls could belong to invaders who came from the East, while the wide ones to the indigenous inhabitants. But he was immediately countered that such skulls are generally characteristic of the Mediterranean race, which dominated Southern Europe since the Neolithic era.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@ancient.rome/what-did-the-etruscans-look-like-306cf2e82b0a"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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