Samsung Galaxy S23 Ad on the Cathedral of Barcelona: A Cool Marketing Stunt or an Ethical Concern?

<p>Did you hear about the Samsung ad on the Cathedral of Barcelona? Some people think it&rsquo;s really cool, but others think it&rsquo;s not okay.</p> <p>The ad is for the Samsung Galaxy S23, and they put it on the front of the Cathedral. It&rsquo;s a good way to get people&rsquo;s attention because lots of tourists go there. Plus, people will share pictures of it on social media and more people will see it. Just as I&rsquo;m doing right now :)</p> <p><img alt="" src="*DPW4iEzX9akodD4Rmlt3Ww.jpeg" style="height:934px; width:700px" /></p> <p>But, some people think it&rsquo;s not okay because it&rsquo;s a religious building and it&rsquo;s not respectful to put an ad on it. They think it&rsquo;s not good to use something like that for advertising because it might make people upset. Probably it&rsquo;s not appropriate to use a place of worship for commercial purposes as it may hurt people&rsquo;s feelings.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>