Cardi B Calls Out Mayor Eric Adams Over NYC Budget Cuts

<p>In a recent social media livestream, rapper Cardi B didn&rsquo;t hold back as she criticized New York Mayor Eric Adams for the recent budget cuts in the city, foreseeing escalating crime and sanitation issues.</p> <p>Expressing concern for her family and friends residing in the Bronx, Cardi B questioned the impact of these cuts on her community. &ldquo;What&rsquo;s going to happen to my nieces, what&rsquo;s going to happen to my nephews, what&rsquo;s going to happen to my cousins, my aunts, my friends that&rsquo;s living in the hood,&rdquo; she voiced passionately, emphasizing her roots in the Bronx.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Budget Cuts