Death: The Undefeated Equalizer

<p>I always mention some aspects of religion whenever I speak about death, mainly because religion is the only insight we have about it. &ldquo;Nobody ever came back to tell us about it have they?&rdquo; is my grandmother&rsquo;s famous phrase when referring to the afterlife. And I&rsquo;d be damned if Ruby ain&rsquo;t on to something.</p> <p>A lot of anti-religies try to play the<em>&nbsp;&ldquo;look how many wars have been fought because of religion&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;card, implying that religion is singlehandedly plaguing humanity. Yet, ignore that over 90% of Earth&rsquo;s population are members of religions that condemn all of the sins that are king in our society.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Equalizer