A Most Equal Government

<p>To begin, the basis of the American Constitution is inherently flawed, particularly surrounding democratic government. A constitution designed by the elite of their time was designed with one obvious purpose, to maintain that power, that elitism. While there is no question that the Founding Fathers of the United States set out with lofty and, at the time, radical ideas, these ideas were not what we would consider today to be equitable. As I said, they were designed to maintain the power of the elite and now we see this open and honest. Political parties now maintain their hyper-partisanship, the needs and wants of the people are used as ways to gather political capital and are oft-ignored to maintain the two-party system and the power that it grants them.</p> <p><a href="https://colemaic13.medium.com/a-most-equal-government-72979c8a226b"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>