Enum Classes and Sealed Classes in Kotlin

<p>When developing applications, &nbsp;ensuring the accuracy of data representation and controlling program behavior are crucial aspects of maintaining code quality. Two powerful tools that Kotlin offers to achieve these goals are Enum Classes &nbsp;and Sealed Classes &nbsp;In this article, we will explore these concepts in detail, along with practical examples demonstrating their benefits.</p> <h2><strong>Enum Classes: Improving Data Representation</strong></h2> <p>Imagine you&rsquo;re making an app where users can only pick from four cardinal directions: north, east, south, and west. If we use regular words to represent these directions, we might mess up and make mistakes. But don&rsquo;t worry, Enum classes come to the rescue!</p> <p>In Kotlin, we can create an enum class called&nbsp;<strong><em>Directions</em></strong>&nbsp;to handle these directions:</p> <pre> enum class Directions { NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST }</pre> <p>Enum classes offer several advantages over strings. They ensure that only valid values are used, reducing the likelihood of typos. Enum classes also provide better code completion and compile-time validation. For example, when using&nbsp;<strong><em>Directions</em></strong>, the IDE suggests valid values ( &nbsp;NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST) as you type, preventing incorrect inputs.</p> <p>Using enum classes simplifies decision-making logic. Instead of handling different strings and potential typos, a&nbsp;<strong><em>when</em></strong>&nbsp;expression can directly work with enum values. Additionally, enum classes can be transformed into strings and used in loops for easy &nbsp;iteration.</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s how we can use enum classes:</p> <pre> enum class Directions { NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST } fun main() { val currentDirection = Directions.EAST when (currentDirection) { Directions.NORTH -&gt; println(&quot;Heading North&quot;) Directions.EAST -&gt; println(&quot;Heading East&quot;) Directions.SOUTH -&gt; println(&quot;Heading South&quot;) Directions.WEST -&gt; println(&quot;Heading West&quot;) } }</pre> <h2><strong>Sealed Classes: Controlled Class Hierarchies</strong></h2> <p>Sealed classes are like bossy parents for our classes. They help us make sure that our classes follow a certain order and don&rsquo;t do anything weird. Sealed classes address scenarios where you want to control class hierarchies to prevent unforeseen subclasses. Unlike abstract classes, sealed classes limit the number of subclasses, offering better control and encapsulation. They define a closed hierarchy of possible subclasses that are known during compilation.</p> <p>Suppose you have a network operation result with two possible outcomes: success and failure. In such cases, a sealed class proves valuable. It ensures that only a predetermined set of subclasses can be created, providing clear communication to developers and maintaining a controlled hierarchy.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@shivaniaakanksha/enum-classes-and-sealed-classes-in-kotlin-5c2b679da6b">Visit Now</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Tags: Android Kotlin