Entropy: A Revelation

<p><em>I had an epiphany after writing my latest post on the topic of entropy. You know, that moment when suddenly everything falls into place and something hidden reveals itself. During one of my long walks the concept of entropy was somehow recombined in my head with the idea of energy and mineral blindness, the destiny of civilizations, and the arrow of time. Who knows, you might also discover something in the end. With that said, treat the following lightly: a kind of a thought experiment or a hypothesis in need for exact data to back it up, either proving or disproving this unified concept. So, researchers in search for a research idea, grand theorists, and fellow collapsniks, off we go!</em></p> <p><a href="https://thehonestsorcerer.medium.com/entropy-a-revelation-800feb6512e4"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Entropys