Entrepreneurship and the Case for Ridiculousness

<p>&rsquo;m guilty of taking myself&nbsp;<em>way too seriously</em>.<br /> <br /> As a copywriter for coaches and a cheerleader for the industry, I feel like there&rsquo;s a certain expectation to have reached the pinnacle of personal development by now.<br /> <br /> The truth is I&rsquo;m still learning, and, if I had to change one thing, it&rsquo;s this: I would stop taking myself so dang&nbsp;<em>seriously</em>.</p> <h1><strong>The Hidden Traps of Being an Entrepreneur</strong></h1> <p>Running your own business isn&rsquo;t for the faint of heart.<br /> <br /> Trust me &mdash; I speak from experience AND as someone with an unfair advantage. Nearly every day, I write about mindset for my clients. It&rsquo;s grounding and educational and an invaluable part of what I do, and yet I still hire coaches or join mastermind groups to keep my business game strong.<br /> <br /> The unpredictable economy, social media, algorithms, burnout, trolls, endless admin tasks, and taxes all have the potential to turn you from a chill and laidback person&mdash;think The Dude from The Big Lebowski &mdash; into a person who takes themselves&nbsp;<em>way too dang seriously&nbsp;</em>(me).<br /> <br /> But like Aragorn in The Two Towers I believe, &ldquo;There is always hope.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> Not feeling it? These lifelines will perk you right back up again.</p> <h1><strong>Watch Funny Sh*t</strong></h1> <p>The other night I was knee-deep in my own bullshit, schlepping through unhelpful stories like, &ldquo;I&rsquo;m not good enough&rdquo; and &ldquo;Yes, I&rsquo;ve faced my fears before and it was totally worth it, but&nbsp;<em>these</em>&nbsp;fears are different. They&rsquo;re&nbsp;<em>too</em>&nbsp;scary.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> My husband asked me to watch a few minutes from Netflix&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Bo Burnham: Inside</em>&nbsp;and I was about to say &ldquo;Nope, I&rsquo;m busy.&rdquo; But when my doubts take over, that&rsquo;s not really true. I need to shift my energy to be productive again.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@leannekinde/entrepreneurship-and-the-case-for-ridiculousness-9d4023b44767">Click Here</a></p>