Entities and Aggregates: The Heart of Domain-Driven Design Explained

<p>First of all, if you just stumbled across this article without having read the predecessor, I highly recommend taking a look at my previous article,&nbsp;<a href="https://blog.ricofritzsche.de/beyond-anemic-domain-models-bridging-the-gap-between-data-and-behavior-d3933f0038e3" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">&ldquo;Beyond Anemic Domain Models: Bridging the Gap Between Data and Behavior&rdquo;</a>. It sets the stage for much of what we&rsquo;ll unravel today.</p> <p>Now let me take you back to 2013 for a brief moment. At that time I was working in my company and we were entrusted with the development of a software that had some really complicated requirements. After several brainstorming sessions and countless cups of coffee, my team and I felt that CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) would do justice to the project. Without delving too much into CQRS here (I promise to explore it in another write-up), this particular endeavor was my gateway to understanding and harnessing the immense power of aggregates in DDD. That project was a defining moment, reminding me that the right design patterns can make all the difference.</p> <p>So, with that bit of nostalgia out of the way, let&rsquo;s dive into the heart of today&rsquo;s topic: Aggregates and Entities in Domain-Driven Design. Buckle up and join me on this insightful journey!</p> <p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/entities-and-aggregates-the-heart-of-domain-driven-design-explained-2f6ae9423eae">Read More</a></p>