Enlightenment in the Arts

<p>Accomplished artist Vian Borchert has been creating artwork professionally for decades. The artist believes in the power of art and its transformational abilities not only for herself but also arts benefits within the community. Borchert, who is a graduate and a &ldquo;Notable Alumni&rdquo; from Corcoran College of Art and Design George Washington University has been exhibiting for years not only nationally within the US but internationally as well in museums and key galleries in NYC, LA, DC, London, Berlin and others. Besides her formative education in the arts, Borchert also has studied art therapy and positive psychology along with sociology​. Borchert believes as a longtime artist and art educator that her own self-exploration in the arts can lead to self-discovery along spreading that knowledge to her students, art fans and art enthusiasts within the community and beyond. Borchert also believes that throughout especially the latest Covid years, meditation has been a source of healing helping her reflect and build connections to her creative soul towards further self exploration. The artist exclaims that &ldquo;Art was always a form of solace for me, that as a child I would find a haven in my little art corner to create art and escape into my dreamland.&rdquo;</p> <p>Borchert believes her intellectual and philosophical approach to art is similar to that of the thinkers of the 17th and 18th centuries during The Age of Enlightenment, and in such the artistic and philosophical movement having not only local but global influences and effects.</p> <p><strong>A RECEPTION and Meet the Artist event will be held on Saturday October 14 from 3&ndash;5 PM at the Framer&rsquo;s Choice Gallery in Kentlands located at: 402 Main Street, Gaithersburg, MD 20878</strong><br /> The event is free and open to the public.<br /> Come and view Borchert&rsquo;s new paintings such as &ldquo;Sea Mist&rdquo; pictured here, and others like &ldquo;Two Happy Clouds&rdquo; in her solo art exhibit titled &ldquo;Elevation&rdquo;. The exhibition presents recent works that embody a sense of elevated elements through color and theme. Skyscapes within landscape and seascapes aim to elevate the viewer into a higher realm of consciousness along with attaining a sense of meditative enlightenment that transforms one towards a Zen state of peace and harmony.</p> <p><a href="https://vianborchert.medium.com/enlightenment-in-the-arts-d9f7f1865411"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>