Enjoying Birdwatching | Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge — krnaturalphoto’s Blog

<p>My wife and I were able to get out for a nice trip up to one of my favorite birding spots, Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge. We usually expect to see a lot of Osprey and Bald Eagles on our trips there, but they stayed away for the most part. We could see Osprey flying high in the sky off in the distance, but they never came close for good looks or photographs.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:576/0*h3kevNaEnybX_XpJ" style="height:427px; width:640px" /></p> <h1>Missed the favorites</h1> <p>Even though I didn&rsquo;t get good looks at my favorite birds of prey there were other things to see. Immediately as we parked in the visitor center parking lot, my wife calls out to me while I am putting together my camera gear that there is a Sandhill Crane out in the marsh. This is so cool because I have only had 1 other opportunity to see a Sandhill Crane in person. Unfortunately, the Sandhill Crane flew away before I was able to get into position to get a good look at it or capture any nice photographs. It was off in the distance, but still cool to get to see one.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@krnaturalphoto/enjoying-birdwatching-montezuma-national-wildlife-refuge-krnaturalphotos-blog-6031a351d0b"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>