Enhancing Android TV Playback Experience with MediaSession

<p>In this post, we&#39;ll learn about Android&nbsp;<code>MediaSession</code>&nbsp;API, why we should use it, and how to implement it on Android TV (or Fire TV) apps. After setting the ground, we&#39;ll follow a step-by-step guide on a basic&nbsp;<code>MediaSession</code>&nbsp;implementation. The sample app used for this article and all the code below can be found&nbsp;<a href="https://github.com/ademirqueiroga/leanback-samples/tree/main/MediaSession" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> <p>If you need to become more familiar with or need a recap on how playback controls are implemented using the Leanback components, check my previous articles. I cover from the basics to further customizations on the Leanback playback controls.</p> <h1>What is a MediaSession?</h1> <p>As per the documentation, a&nbsp;<code>MediaSession</code>&nbsp;&quot;<em>Allows interaction with media controllers, volume keys, media buttons, and transport controls</em>&quot;. More than that, a&nbsp;<code>MediaSession</code>&nbsp;is the control center where we can read information about what is currently being played on the Android device and dispatch media control actions such as&nbsp;<strong>play</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>pause, rewind, skip, seek, and more</strong>.</p> <p>From an&nbsp;<strong>active&nbsp;</strong><code>MediaSession</code>, the Android system can control an app&#39;s media playback and query information about it. Whenever you send, for example, a&nbsp;<strong>play/pause&nbsp;</strong>command by pressing or tapping on your earbuds, you are triggering&nbsp;<code>MediaSession</code>&nbsp;callbacks that ask the underlying player app to perform those actions.</p> <p>On the other hand, a music or video app should provide information about what&#39;s currently playing to an&nbsp;<strong>active&nbsp;</strong><code>MediaSession</code>. This is how the Android system can display this data to the user and provide interfaces where the user can dispatch media actions&mdash;for example, using on-screen buttons or sending voice commands through Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa.</p> <p><a href="https://proandroiddev.com/enhancing-android-tv-playback-experience-with-mediasession-f1554ceae2f1">Click Here</a></p>